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This past weekend my husband and I were at a semi-annual Artists & Writers Weekend at the lovely St. Dorothy’s Rest in Sonoma County. This weekend is always magical for us: we connect with creative friends, breathe crisp foresty air, rest, work, eat, ahhh….

I will be sharing a special painting from the weekend soon but first I wanted to share a slide show that was spontaneously inspired. The title, The Edge of Spring, came to me early on as I hiked up and around the steep hills and stairs of St. Dorothy’s, capturing with my camera the first signs of Spring.

Now is a time of bright contrasts and deep renewal for me. January through March is nearly always a trying time of year, with the end of February the darkest. Thus I look to the first signs of warmth, beauty, and growth in nature to cheer and carry me forward into my favorite season of all — Spring. In this slide show I studied through my lens, the sharp and rough edges in wood and metal juxtaposed with the flexible newly forming plants and flowers.

The music is “Am I Song” from Matt Deighton‘s album titled Wake Up the Moths. When I heard the lyrics singing with the slide show they added another layer of contrast and depth that felt right.

Note: Unfortunately with YouTube a lot of the original photo quality is diminished so for best viewing please use the full-screen or the larger-screen option.