About Me

Welcome to lotus peach: sweet transformation blog!

This blog is a challenge to, as T. Roosevelt and Brene Brown said, “dare greatly” — to share my creative work with the world and to highlight and give thanks for those who inspire and support me along the way.

The name of my blog comes from my middle name, two words in another language that mean Lotus Peach. The Lotus flower is a central symbol in Buddhism that has several meanings but most speak to the process of transformation to achieve enlightenment. Peach comes from the tree in the back yard of my parents’ home, full of delicious fruit, the summer I was born. I still prefer peach pie over birthday cake.

I live in New England with my husband and our Basset Hound. Thank you for joining me on this colorful adventure!

2 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Alissa Worthing said:

    Beautifully done, Addie! Lovely in image and word. I look forward to the next post. My reaction to your revelation is, “Of course! She has always been an artist!” But that makes your coming out no less exciting. Congratulations.

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